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MedicationsAntibiotics: Are You Aware?January 16, 2020Prescription Drugs, From Pickup to TakebackNovember 26, 2019Medical Marijuana MythsApril 2, 2019Pain Management: The New ApproachSeptember 25, 2018All Medication News

Antibiotics: Are You Aware? January 16, 2020
Are You Antibiotics Aware?
Spurred by Alexander Fleming’s serendipitous discovery of penicillin in 1928, antibiotics have rightfully become wonder drugs, often able to change the course of deadly bacterial infections in a matter of … Continue ReadingPrescription Drugs, From Pickup to Takeback November 26, 2019Safe Passage: Navigating Your Prescription Drugs, From Pickup to Takeback
If you are not taking your prescription medications as directed (or at all), you’re far from alone: Compliance is estimated at just 50% among U.S. patients. Unfortunately, adherence is a direct impact on quality and length of life, and overall healthcare costs, accounting for up to … Continue ReadingMedical Marijuana Myths April 2, 2019
Smoking Out the Myths: Medical Marijuana
Does medical marijuana offer a solution to treating epilepsy, chronic pain, anxiety and neurogenerative diseases? Or is it an untested, potentially unsafe treatment that will eventually turn out to be … Continue ReadingPain Management: The New Approach September 25, 2018
Fewer Pills, Lower Doses, More Vigilance: The New Approach to Pain Management
It’s hard to imagine a medical crisis more widely discussed, dissected and debated in the last two years than opioid abuse. As a result, … Continue ReadingThe Painful New Reality of Opioid Prescriptions November 20, 2017
Nothing erodes the quality of life faster than pain and unfortunately more than half of American adults report they live with it on a chronic, recurring basis. That makes it easy to understand why, when seemingly safe, … Continue ReadingUnlocking the Genetic Code: Spotlighting Pharmacogenomics November 20, 2017
This is the first in a series exploring some of the most promising advances inspired by the Human Genome project. From the burgeoning field of pharmacogenomics to consumer genetic testing … Continue ReadingImage of AntibioticsHealth Wise Summer 2016 Hasson FINAL 300x291Hasson HW 2017 Summer FINAL 1